Jon Preston
JoinedTopics Started by Jon Preston
Oh dear ive never mentioned me
by Jon Preston inthis is life?
in this bubble?
to the time of "sunshine, (adigio in d minor) listen to it and i promise it will change u!.
My confession: How i feel WT makes me a bigger liar
by Jon Preston inthis is difficult for me to discuss.
i love my wife and i live my family.
but since i became a jw i feel like ive lied more than when i was "worldy" it stress and the relentless pressure to do more?
Ex-Military JWs collect money
by Jon Preston inisnt this somehing that would be against god or at least hypocritical?
jws who were in the military but quit still accept money from their jobs so they can pioneer and still get paid..... or am i being too harsh.. .
ABBA and how men have misused it and more spiritual gems from this weeks meeting!!!
by Jon Preston inwell what a great spiritual feast weve had!
im not going to go into the "bible study" because it was more about how merciful and loving etc that god is.. so fast forward to the school:.
the bibke reading was intriguing gen 17-20. the only thing i found interesting was this:.
Elder and i discussed beards, and got into rules and regulations
by Jon Preston induring a study the elder brought out that eating blood and omens are from the devil, and brought me to leviticus 19:26 (i think).. in verse 27 i says this:.
you must not shave the hair on the side of your head or disfigure the edges of your beard.. i said: "so why are we not allowed to have beards?".
elder: "thats a good question, cleric.
New Doscovery about Noahs Ark (cue mystery music)
by Jon Preston in'the ark before noah' - curator irving finkel decodes the story of the floodit was a vast boat that saved two of each animal and a handful of humans from a catastrophic flood.. but forget all those images of a long vessel with a pointy bow the original noah's ark, new research suggests, was round.. a recently deciphered 4,000-year-old tablet from ancient mesopotamia modern-day iraq reveals striking new details about the roots of the old testament tale of noah.
it tells a similar story, complete with detailed instructions for building a giant round vessel known as a coracle as well as the key instruction that animals should enter "two by two.".
the tablet went on display at the british museum on friday, and soon engineers will follow the ancient instructions to see whether the vessel could actually have sailed.. it's also the subject of a new book, "the ark before noah," by irving finkel, the museum's assistant keeper of the middle east and the man who translated the tablet.. iiiiiiiiiiinteresting eh?
Cancer Genome and what it means ;-)
by Jon Preston inthis is from science daily...... genome of longest-living cancer: 11,000-year-old living dog cancer reveals its origin, evolutionjan.
23, 2014 a cancer normally lives and dies with a person, however this is not the case with a sexually transmitted cancer in dogs.
in a study published in science, researchers have described the genome and evolution of this cancer that has continued living within the dog population for the past 11,000 years.. scientists have sequenced the genome of the world's oldest continuously surviving cancer, a transmissible genital cancer that affects dogs.
From Captives of a Concept: Gods Prophet, Hypocrisy and Propaganda used to control.
by Jon Preston ini teresting info from caltives of a concept....i cannot express how fantastic this book has been and i highly recommend it.
the first thing i found to be huge.
(because the society trues to explain it away so well):.
New name, Somehow couldn't sign in
by Jon Preston inhey guys i couldnt log in with ds211 so i had to change names.. so here i am lol.